How to Choose a Home Nursing Service

How to Choose a Home Nursing Service

How to Choose a Home Nursing Service

Choosing the right home nursing service is crucial for ensuring that you or your loved one receives quality care in the comfort of your own home. With various options available, it’s important to make an informed decision that best meets your healthcare needs. At Lajpal Care, we are committed to providing top-notch home nursing services across Pakistan. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a home nursing service.

1. Assess Your Needs

Identify Specific Requirements: Determine the type of care needed, such as wound care, chronic disease management, post-operative care, or general elderly support. Understanding the specific needs will help you choose a service that specializes in those areas.

2. Check Credentials and Accreditation

Ensure Qualifications: Verify that the home nursing service is licensed and accredited by relevant health authorities. Check the qualifications and training of the nursing staff to ensure they are capable of providing professional care.

3. Evaluate Reputation and Experience

Research Service History: Look for reviews and testimonials from other clients to gauge the reputation of the service. Consider how long the service has been in operation to assess its stability and experience in the field.

4. Understand the Scope of Services

Review Service Offerings: Make sure the nursing service can provide a range of care options that might be necessary over time. This includes checking whether they offer specialized care for conditions like dementia, diabetes, or mobility issues.

5. Consider Availability and Flexibility

Check Availability: Ask about the availability of nurses and whether the service can accommodate your scheduling needs. Flexibility is important for adapting to the patient’s changing health requirements.

6. Discuss Support and Communication

Communication Channels: Effective communication is key to successful home care. Ensure that the service provides clear, consistent communication and is responsive to your inquiries and concerns.

7. Compare Costs and Insurance Compatibility

Understand Pricing Structures: Compare costs between services to find one that fits your budget. Also, check if the service accepts your insurance or offers flexible payment options.

8. Plan an In-Home Consultation

Meet the Team: If possible, arrange an in-home consultation to meet the nurse or representative of the nursing service. This meeting can provide insight into how they interact with patients and manage care.

Why Choose Lajpal Care?

At Lajpal Care, we provide comprehensive and compassionate home nursing services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our team of qualified and dedicated professionals is here to ensure the highest standard of care.

  • Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
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  • Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you or your loved ones with exceptional home nursing care.

How to Choose a Home Nursing Service


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What Does Home Health Care Mean?

What Does Home Health Care Mean

What Does Home Health Care Mean?

Home health care involves a variety of medical services provided in the comfort of a patient’s home rather than in a hospital or care facility. This type of care, offered by Lajpal Care in Rawalpindi, is designed to be convenient, less expensive, and as effective as the care one would receive in a professional healthcare setting.

Understanding This Service

Personalized Medical Services: This care includes a range of services such as nursing care, physical therapy, medication management, and disease education and management. These services are provided by qualified healthcare professionals, including nurses, therapists, and home health aides.

Goal-Oriented Care: The primary goal is to treat an illness or injury. It helps patients recover, regain their independence, and become as self-sufficient as possible. For those with chronic health issues, it’s used to maintain or improve the patient’s condition and prevent hospitalization.

Who Can Benefit?

Elderly Patients: Older adults who need assistance with daily activities or medical care but want to maintain their independence can greatly benefit.

Post-Operative Patients:

Individuals recovering from surgery who require care, observation, or rehabilitation services can receive needed support in their own homes.

Chronically Ill and Disabled Individuals:

Those with chronic illnesses or disabilities can receive ongoing care and monitoring, tailored to their specific needs.

Patients Needing Palliative Care: This care also caters to patients who require palliative care, focusing on relieving symptoms and stress related to serious illnesses.

Advantages of Choosing Home-Based Care

Comfort and Convenience: Being treated at home means patients can enjoy the comfort of familiar surroundings, which can help speed up recovery times.

Cost-Effective: It eliminates the need for expensive hospital stays by offering a more affordable alternative that provides targeted care to meet patients’ needs.

Personalized Attention: It provides a more personalized one-on-one focus from healthcare providers, which is often more comprehensive than the care received in busy hospital settings.

Family Involvement: It allows family members to be closely involved in the care of their loved ones, providing them with peace of mind and the ability to supervise and be a part of their loved one’s care plan.

Choose Lajpal Care for Your Needs

If you or a loved one is considering this type of care, Lajpal Care in Rawalpindi offers expert services tailored to a variety of needs. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve the best possible health outcomes:

  • Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
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  • Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

With Lajpal Care, experience compassionate, professional health care services that bring wellness directly to your door.


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How to Recognize Mental Health Problems in the Elderly

How to Recognize Mental Health Problems in the Elderly

How to Recognize Mental Health Problems in the Elderly

Recognizing mental health issues in the elderly is crucial for ensuring they receive the care and support they need to maintain their quality of life. At Lajpal Care, we understand the importance of early detection and intervention, which is why we offer comprehensive home care services in Rawalpindi to support elderly mental health. Here are key signs and symptoms to watch for and how to address them effectively.

Key Signs of Mental Health Issues in the Elderly

Changes in Mood or Behavior: Significant changes in mood, such as persistent sadness, irritability, or apathy, can be early indicators of mental health problems. Watch for shifts that are out of character and last more than a couple of weeks.

Withdrawal from Social Activities: If an elderly person suddenly loses interest in hobbies or social interactions they once enjoyed, it might signal a mental health issue.

Changes in Eating or Sleeping Patterns: Noticeable changes in appetite or sleep patterns can also be signs of mental distress. This includes sleeping too much or too little, or eating significantly more or less than usual.

Memory Problems: While some memory loss can be a normal part of aging, sudden or severe forgetfulness or confusion can indicate underlying mental health issues like depression or dementia.

Physical Complaints Without a Clear Cause: Frequent complaints about physical issues that have no apparent cause and do not respond to typical treatments can be manifestations of mental health problems.

Steps to Address Mental Health Issues in the Elderly

Encourage Open Communication: Create a safe environment for the elderly to express their feelings and concerns without judgment. Regular conversations can help you catch early signs of mental distress.

Consult Healthcare Professionals: If you suspect mental health issues, consult with healthcare providers for a professional diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. This may include medication, therapy, or both.

Promote Physical Health: Physical activity can significantly impact mental health. Encourage regular exercise tailored to their ability and health conditions.

Establish a Routine: A consistent daily routine can provide a sense of stability and security, which may help improve mental health.

Social Interaction: Encourage social engagement through family gatherings, community activities, or social clubs. Social interaction can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Lajpal Care’s Support for Elderly Mental Health

At Lajpal Care, we provide specialized home care services designed to support the mental health of the elderly. Our caregivers are trained to recognize signs of mental health issues and provide compassionate care tailored to the needs of each individual.

  • Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
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  • Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

How to Recognize Mental Health Problems in the Elderly

If you are concerned about the mental health of an elderly loved one, contact Lajpal Care today. We are here to offer the support and care needed to ensure their mental well-being.


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24-Hour Patient Care at Home

24-Hour Patient Care at Home

24-Hour Patient Care at Home: Comprehensive Support When You Need It Most

Caring for a loved one who requires round-the-clock assistance and medical care can be both emotionally and physically demanding. At Lajpal Care, we offer 24-hour patient care services designed to provide comprehensive support to individuals with complex medical needs, allowing them to receive high-quality care in the comfort and familiarity of their own home.

Key Features of Our 24-Hour Patient Care Services:

1. Skilled Nursing Care:

Our team of skilled nurses is available 24/7 to provide expert medical care and support to patients with a wide range of health conditions. Whether your loved one requires wound care, medication management, injections, or monitoring of vital signs, our nurses have the training and experience to deliver the highest standard of care.

2. Personalized Care Plans:

We understand that every patient has unique care needs and preferences. That’s why we work closely with patients and their families to develop personalized care plans tailored to their specific requirements. Our interdisciplinary team collaborates to ensure that all aspects of the patient’s care, including medical, emotional, and social needs, are addressed comprehensively.

3. Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs):

Our caregivers provide assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and mobility assistance. We strive to promote independence and dignity while ensuring the safety and well-being of our patients.

4. Medication Management:

Managing medications can be complex, especially for patients with multiple prescriptions. Our nurses oversee medication administration, ensure medications are taken as prescribed, and monitor for any adverse reactions or side effects. We also educate patients and their families about their medications to promote adherence and safety.

5. Emotional Support and Companionship:

We understand the importance of addressing the emotional and psychosocial needs of patients receiving 24-hour care. Our caregivers offer compassionate companionship, engaging patients in meaningful conversations, recreational activities, and hobbies to promote social interaction and emotional well-being.

6. Palliative and End-of-Life Care:

For patients with advanced illnesses or nearing the end of life, we provide specialized palliative and end-of-life care services focused on maximizing comfort, dignity, and quality of life. Our interdisciplinary team works closely with patients, families, and healthcare providers to ensure that patients receive compassionate and holistic care during this sensitive time.

Contact Us for 24-Hour Patient Care Services:

If you’re seeking comprehensive and compassionate care for a loved one who requires round-the-clock assistance, Lajpal Care is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our 24-hour patient care services and how we can support your loved one’s needs while promoting their health, safety, and well-being.

Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

Let Lajpal Care be your trusted partner in providing 24-hour patient care services that prioritize the comfort, dignity, and quality of life of your loved one, allowing them to receive the support they need in the place they call home.


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Home Nursing Services

Home Care for Disabled Individuals

Home Care for Disabled Individuals

Home care for disabled individuals is a compassionate and comprehensive support service designed to enhance their quality of life and promote independence while living in the comfort of their own homes. At Lajpal Care, we understand the unique needs of individuals with disabilities and offer tailored home care services to meet their specific requirements.

Personalized Care Plans:

Our home care services begin with a personalized assessment to understand the individual needs, preferences, and goals of each client. Based on this assessment, we develop customized care plans that address their physical, emotional, and social needs while fostering independence and dignity.

Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs):

We provide assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), including bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and mobility assistance. Our compassionate caregivers are trained to support individuals with various disabilities, ensuring their safety and well-being during these essential tasks.

Medication Management:

Managing medications can be challenging for individuals with disabilities. Our caregivers assist with medication reminders, administration, and medication management to ensure that clients adhere to their prescribed treatment plans and maintain optimal health.

Companionship and Social Support:

Social isolation can be a significant concern for individuals with disabilities. Our caregivers offer companionship and emotional support, engaging clients in meaningful activities, conversation, and social interactions to promote mental and emotional well-being.

Mobility Assistance and Transfer Support:

For individuals with mobility limitations, our caregivers provide assistance with transfers, positioning, and mobility exercises to help maintain strength, flexibility, and independence. We also ensure a safe environment to prevent falls and injuries.

Transportation and Community Integration:

We facilitate transportation to medical appointments, therapy sessions, social outings, and recreational activities, enabling individuals with disabilities to remain active and engaged in their communities.

Coordination of Care:

Our care team collaborates with healthcare professionals, therapists, and family members to coordinate comprehensive care and support for individuals with disabilities. We communicate regularly to ensure that all aspects of the care plan are implemented effectively and that any changes in condition are addressed promptly.

Respite Care for Family Caregivers:

We understand that caring for a loved one with a disability can be physically and emotionally demanding. We offer respite care services to provide family caregivers with the opportunity to rest, recharge, and attend to their own needs while ensuring that their loved ones receive the care and support they require.

Contact Us for Home Care for Disabled Individuals:

If you or a loved one requires home care for a disability, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Lajpal Care. Our compassionate and skilled caregivers are here to provide the support and assistance you need to thrive at home.

Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

Let us be your partner in promoting independence, dignity, and quality of life for individuals with disabilities through our comprehensive home care services.


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Professional Medication Administration Services for Your Health Needs

Professional Medication Administration Services for Your Health Needs

Professional Medication Administration Services for Your Health Needs

Ensuring proper medication administration is crucial for managing health conditions and promoting overall well-being. At Lajpal Care, we offer reliable and professional medication administration services to meet your healthcare needs. Whether you require assistance with daily medication routines or specialized medication administration, our experienced team is here to provide personalized care tailored to your requirements.

Our Approach to Medication Administration:

At Lajpal Care, we understand the importance of precision and safety when it comes to medication administration. Our skilled nurses follow strict protocols to ensure accurate dosing and timely delivery of medications. We prioritize your safety and well-being, providing thorough medication management to minimize risks and optimize therapeutic outcomes.

Key Features of Our Medication Administration Services:

  1. Customized Medication Plans: We work closely with you and your healthcare team to develop personalized medication plans that address your specific health needs. Whether you require oral medications, injections, or intravenous therapies, we tailor our services to meet your individual requirements.
  2. Expert Administration Techniques: Our nurses are trained in the latest medication administration techniques and adhere to best practices to ensure safe and effective delivery of medications. From proper dosage calculations to accurate administration methods, we maintain high standards of care at all times.
  3. Comprehensive Monitoring: We closely monitor your response to medications, assessing for any adverse effects or potential drug interactions. Our goal is to optimize medication therapy while minimizing risks and maximizing benefits for your overall health and well-being.
  4. Patient Education and Support: We believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their medications effectively. Our nurses provide thorough education on medication use, side effects, and adherence strategies to promote medication safety and compliance.
  5. Regular Communication with Healthcare Providers: We maintain open communication with your healthcare providers to ensure seamless coordination of care. We provide timely updates on medication adherence, response to therapy, and any changes in your health status to facilitate informed decision-making.

Why Choose Lajpal Care for Medication Administration?

  • Professional Expertise: Our nurses are trained and certified in medication administration, ensuring safe and reliable care.
  • Personalized Approach: We understand that each patient has unique medication needs, and we tailor our services accordingly to provide individualized care.
  • Convenience: Receive professional medication administration services in the comfort of your own home, minimizing the need for frequent visits to healthcare facilities.

Contact Us for Professional Medication Administration Services:

Don’t let medication management be a source of stress. Contact Lajpal Care today to learn more about our medication administration services and schedule a consultation.

Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

Let Lajpal Care be your trusted partner in medication administration for better health and well-being.

Professional Medication Administration Services for Your Health Needs


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Home Health Care Services in Gulbahar Peshawar

Home Health Care Services in Gulbahar Peshawar

Comprehensive Home Health Care Services in Gulbahar, Peshawar

Bringing Quality Health Care to Your Doorstep

If you’re seeking top-notch home health care services in Gulbahar, Peshawar, look no further than Lajpal Care. We are committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate healthcare in the comfort of your home.

Our Services:

1. Medical Care:

Our skilled medical professionals offer a range of medical services tailored to your specific needs. From regular health check-ups to managing chronic conditions, we’ve got you covered.

2. Nursing Care:

Experienced and compassionate nurses from Lajpal Care are here to provide personalized nursing care. Whether it’s post-surgery care, wound management, or medication administration, we ensure the highest standards.

3. Elderly Care:

We specialize in elderly care, understanding the unique needs of seniors. Our caregivers offer companionship, assistance with daily activities, and support to enhance the overall well-being of elderly individuals.

Contact Us for Reliable Home Health Care:

For reliable and professional home health care services in Gulbahar, Peshawar, reach out to us:

Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

At Lajpal Care, we prioritize your health and well-being. Let us bring quality healthcare to your doorstep

🌟 Lajpal Care – Bringing Quality Healthcare to Your Doorstep

At Lajpal Care, your health and well-being are our top priorities. Experience the convenience of professional healthcare tailored to your needs with our Home Health Care Services in Gulbahar, Peshawar.

Why Choose Lajpal Care:


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Patient Care at Home Services Available 12 Hours or 24 Hours

Patient Care at Home Services Available 12 Hours or 24 Hours

Expert Home Nursing Care Services in Islamabad

Comprehensive Patient Care Available 12 Hours or 24 Hours

Are you in search of expert home nursing care services in Islamabad? Your search ends with Lajpal Care, your trusted partner in healthcare. We provide comprehensive patient care, offering both 12-hour and 24-hour shifts to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Why Opt for Lajpal Care’s Home Nursing Services?

1. Flexible Shifts:

Lajpal Care understands the unique requirements of each patient. Choose between our 12-hour and 24-hour shifts based on your loved one’s specific needs and condition.

2. Professional Caregivers:

Our team consists of highly trained and professional caregivers. Your loved ones will receive quality care and attention from our dedicated staff members.

3. Tailored Care Plans:

We believe in personalizing our services to cater to the individual needs of each patient. Our tailored care plans ensure a holistic and compassionate approach to healthcare.

Contact Us for More Information:

To discover more about our home nursing services or to engage our proficient staff, feel free to contact us:

Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599
Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

Choose Lajpal Care for expert home nursing services in Islamabad, providing dedicated care with flexibility and compassion. Your loved one’s health is our priority.

Patient Care at Home Services Available 12 Hours or 24 Hours

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  • Exceptional Patient Care, Tailored to Your Schedule – 12 Hours or 24 Hours.
  • Your Health, Your Home, Our Priority – Flexible Patient Care, Day and Night.
  • At Lajpal Care, Patient-Centric Services That Revolve Around You – 12/24.
  • Empowering Health at Home – Choose 12-Hour or 24-Hour Patient Care Services.
  • Personalized Patient Care, Whenever You Need – 12 Hours, 24 Hours, Always Here.
  • Seamless Patient Care Transitions – From Day to Night, Our Commitment Shines.
  • Your Wellness, Our Watch – Offering Patient Care at Home, 12 Hours or 24
  • Around-the-Clock Comfort and Care – Patient Services Available 12/24.
  • Flexible, Reliable, Compassionate – Patient Care at Home, Around the Clock
  • Patient-Centered Excellence in Every Hour – Choose 12-Hour or 24-Hour Care
  • Home is Where Healing Begins – Patient Care Available 12 Hours or 24
  • Lajpal Care: Your Trusted Partner for Patient Wellness – 12 Hours or 24 Hours.
  • Uninterrupted Patient Care – Your Health, Our Priority, All Hours.
  • Tailored Care Solutions – Patient Care at Home, 12/24, We’ve Got You Covered.
  • Patient-Centric Excellence, Timeless Commitment – 12 or 24, Your Choice.
  • At Lajpal Care, Patient Wellbeing is Timeless – Offering 12-Hour or 24-Hour Care.
  • Quality Care That Adapts to You – Patient Services Available 12 or 24 Hours.
  • Every Hour, Every Need – Patient-Centric Care at Home, 12 or 24.
  • Your Health, Our Timeless Dedication – Patient Care Services, Day or Night.
  • Daytime Comfort, Nighttime Assurance – Patient Care at Home, 12/24.
Home Health Care in Westridge Rawalpindi: Lajpal Care

Home Health Care in Westridge Rawalpindi: Lajpal Care

Home Health Care in Westridge Rawalpindi: Lajpal Care

Discover top-notch home health care services in Westridge, Rawalpindi, with Lajpal Care. Our holistic approach to healthcare ensures that you receive comprehensive and personalized services tailored to your unique needs. Here’s what sets our home health care apart:

In-Home Nursing Services

Our skilled and compassionate nursing staff brings professional medical care directly to your doorstep. From administering medications to monitoring vital signs, we provide a range of nursing services to promote your well-being.

Personalized Care Plans

Experience care that is customized to your specific health requirements. Our personalized care plans consider your individual needs, ensuring that you receive the attention and assistance necessary for optimal health outcomes.

Home-Based Elderly Care

For our elderly clients, we offer specialized care services designed to enhance overall well-being. Our caregivers provide companionship, assistance with daily activities, and support to maintain a comfortable and safe home environment.

Mobile Health Clinics

Access to essential healthcare services is made convenient through our mobile health clinics. We bring medical check-ups, diagnostic services, and health assessments directly to your home.

Patient-Centric Approach

At Lajpal Care, we prioritize your health and comfort. Our patient-centric approach means that your preferences and health goals guide our caregiving efforts, ensuring a positive and supportive care experience.

Connect with Lajpal Care

Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599


Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

Experience the convenience and quality of home health care services in Westridge, Rawalpindi, with Lajpal Care. Contact us today to discuss how we can support your health journey. Your well-being is our priority.

  1. Home Nursing Services
  2. 24/7 Male-Female Nursing Staff
  3. Home Patient Care services 
  4. Patient Attendant Services
  5. New Born Baby Care Services
  6. Home Disable Care Services
  7. Home Elderly Care Services
  8. Home Physio Services
  9. Buy a Medical Bed or More
  10. Daily or Per Visit Services
  11. Home Care Services
  12. Medical Supplier
  13. Home Health Care in Westridge, Rawalpindi
  14. Professional In-Home Nursing Care
  15. Trusted Home Healthcare Solutions by Lajpal Care
  16. Comprehensive Patient Care at Home
  17. Skilled Nursing Care in Westridge
  18. Elderly Care Services at Home by Lajpal Care
  19. Pediatric Home Nursing in Westridge, Rawalpindi
  20. Reliable In-Home Health Care with Lajpal Care
  21. Post-Surgery Home Care Services
  22. Cardiac Care at Home in Westridge
  23. Stroke Recovery Care Services by Lajpal Care
  24. Special Needs Nursing at Home
  25. Mental Health Nursing in Westridge, Rawalpindi
  26. Renal Dialysis Nursing at Home by Lajpal Care
  27. Home Health Aides in Westridge
  28. Diabetes Management Nursing at Home
  29. Wound Care Services at Home with Lajpal Care
  30. Telehealth Nursing Services in Westridge, Rawalpindi
  31. Palliative Care at Home by Lajpal Care
  32. Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care at Home in Westridge
  33. Professional Home Nursing Staff
  34. Reliable Patient Attendant Services by Lajpal Care
  35. Elderly Caregiver Services at Home
  36. Pediatric Nursing Services in Westridge, Rawalpindi
  37. Home Health Care Assistance by Lajpal Care
  38. Skilled Nursing Staff in Westridge
  39. Trustworthy In-Home Medical Care
  40. Dependable Home-Based Nursing with Lajpal Care
  41. Professional Diabetes Care at Home
  42. Wound Care and Dressing Services in Westridge

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Home Health Care Services in Bahria Town Peshawar

Home Health Care Services in Bahria Town Peshawar

Experience Excellence in Home Health Care Services in Bahria Town, Peshawar

Welcome to Lajpal Care, where your well-being is our top priority. Our home health care services in Bahria Town, Peshawar, are designed to provide comprehensive and compassionate care tailored to your unique needs. Here’s how we can enhance your health and quality of life:

Personalized Home Nursing Services

Skilled Nursing Care

Our skilled nursing team delivers expert care, including medication management, wound care, and continuous monitoring to ensure your health is in capable hands.

Personal Care Assistance

Experience personalized support with daily activities, promoting independence and comfort in the familiar surroundings of your home.

Elderly Companionship

Combat loneliness and enrich your life with our compassionate companionship services tailored for the elderly.

Mobile Health Clinics

Access convenient health check-ups with our mobile health clinics, bringing healthcare services directly to your doorstep.

Patient-Centric Care

Our services revolve around your unique needs, ensuring a holistic approach to your health and well-being.

How to Connect with Us

Phone/WhatsApp: 327 9016599


Location: Office# 1, First Floor, Al-Harmain Plaza, GT Road, Near Bahria Phase 7, Rawalpindi.

Experience the difference with Lajpal Care’s home health care services. Contact us today to discover how we can contribute to your overall well-being. Your health, our commitment.


  • Home Nurses: Our skilled nurses provide a range of medical and non-medical services, including administering medications, wound care, and daily activity assistance.
  • Patient Attendants: Our caring attendants help with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, and mobility, ensuring your loved ones receive the best care.
  • Disabled Care: We offer specialized care for disabled persons, including daily activity assistance, physical therapy, and emotional support.
  • Healthcare Equipment: We provide essential healthcare equipment, including patient beds, wheelchairs, and oxygen cylinders.
  • Home Elderly Care Services.
  • Home Nursing Services
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