Mother & Baby Care Plan Services in Islamabad

Mother & Baby Care Plan Services in Lahore

Lahore, a city known for its rich heritage and vibrant culture, is not just about historical monuments and spicy food. It’s also a city that cherishes its families, especially the bond between a mother and her newborn. Understanding the needs of this ancient yet modern city, Lajpal Care proudly presents the Mother & Baby Care Plan Services in Lahore.

Our Services

1. Prenatal Workshops:
Lahore’s unique blend of old-world charm and modernity reflects in its birthing practices. Our prenatal workshops fuse age-old Lahori traditions with contemporary medical insights, ensuring expectant mothers are prepared for what lies ahead.

2. Newborn Care:
In those early days, as the baby adapts to the world outside, our experts, equipped with the latest tools, ensure the newest member of your family gets the best care.

3. Lactation Support:
Breastfeeding can be both a joy and a challenge. Our experienced lactation consultants in Lahore assist mothers through their breastfeeding journey, offering advice, support, and solutions.

4. Postpartum Care:
Recovery post-delivery can be a delicate phase. Our postnatal programs cater to the physical and emotional well-being of new mothers, ensuring they reclaim their strength and confidence.

5. Nutrition and Weaning:
Introducing a baby to the rich flavors of Lahori cuisine can be exciting. Our nutritionists guide parents, ensuring the weaning process is both delightful and nutritionally balanced.

6. Emotional Support:
Postpartum emotions can be overwhelming. Our counselors stand ready to offer guidance and a listening ear, ensuring mothers navigate this phase with ease and understanding.

Why Lajpal Care in Lahore?

Our deep understanding of Lahore’s ethos, combined with our commitment to excellence, ensures every family gets personalized care. With our services tailored to Lahori families, Lajpal Care has rapidly become the city’s preferred choice for mother and baby care.

The journey of motherhood is both enchanting and challenging. In Lahore, a city that reverberates with stories and emotions, Lajpal Care ensures that every chapter of this journey is supported, celebrated, and cherished. Join us and experience holistic care in the heart of Punjab.



  • Home Nurses: Our skilled nurses provide a range of medical and non-medical services, including administering medications, wound care, and daily activity assistance.
  • Patient Attendants: Our caring attendants help with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, and mobility, ensuring your loved ones receive the best care.
  • Disabled Care: We offer specialized care for disabled persons, including daily activity assistance, physical therapy, and emotional support.
  • Healthcare Equipment: We provide essential healthcare equipment, including patient beds, wheelchairs, and oxygen cylinders.
  • Home Elderly Care Services.
  • Home Nursing Services
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